<aside> 💡 Students may borrow equipment for up to 2 business days. Fill in this form and bring it to the Equipment Room. The Equipment Room is open from 1pm to 4pm during weekdays.


Steps to Borrow

  1. Equipment can be borrowed for a maximum of 2 days and is always due back during posted hours on the due date specified. Late return of equipment will result in fines at the rate of $10.00 per day until returned, and continued disregard to policy will result in the loss of equipment borrowing privileges.
  2. Equipment loan of various cameras and accessories are available to Design students at York free of charge for specific course work. At York, for equipment loans please go to the new Equipment Room located down the hall to the right of Green Lab (4027DB) and see the monitor on duty. Please do not try to access the Equipment Room through Red Lab.
  3. By signing the Equipment Loan Agreement students enter into a contract with the department and consent to the conditions listed in this document. Hours of operation for the Equipment Room are posted on the door. Sign-outs and returns can only be done during these times. The Design office will not accept returns outside these hours.